Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Dogs Hate My Diet

I'm excited to report that I've lost 5 pounds since my last Fat to Fit post.  Yay me!

Of course, it's the long haul that is always the challenge, but I'm happy for this little victory nonetheless.  I feel motivated and committed and haven't been tempted to cheat at all.

Wait...there was last Friday when I had chicken fingers and fries, so ok, I cheated a little.  But I got serious last weekend when I started using the "My Fitness Pal" app for the Iphone.  Somehow, being accountable for what I eat and recording it and having a calorie goal each day keeps me on track  I feel like I might just make my weight goal before the Summer and that feels good.

My dogs, however, are not happy. They're used to getting tidbits off my plate, but now that I'm on rations, I ain't sharing.  They give me their most sorrowful looks but, dammit, if I'm sacrificing than they have to too!

They still get to lap the last of the milk in my cereal bowl, but since I'm only using half a cup of milk, well, there isn't much left for 3 dogs to lap.  They wait patiently and stare at me as I'm eating and the whining starts just when the cereal runs out and the last drops of milk are left.  Not from me, mind you, from the dogs.  Well...sometimes I whine too, if I'm still hungry.

They are smart little dickens.  I bought some GNC protein powder and 2 or 3 mornings out of the week, I'll have a shake in the morning instead of my usual cereal.  Guess they don't like protein drinks because if they hear the blender in the morning, they don't even bother coming downstairs.

What is it about dogs that they know when you are really getting food in the kitchen, or when you are just rattling a chip bag to get them to come downstairs so you can throw them outside to go potty?  My hubby gets up in the middle of the night to make peanut butter toast, and my chihuahua, Lucy, stays snuggled under the covers until the toast pops up, and then she shoots out of the covers, off the bed, and down the stairs and is already on the coach waiting by the time Hubby gets there with his toast all peanut buttered.

So, back to dieting.  Here's my little fitness take-away from this post:

1.  Keeping track of what I eat and having a calorie limit helps me eat less
2.  I can still have a glass of wine after dinner, if I plan out my calories accordingly (Because that's my 5th food group)
3.  A belly full of vitamins in the morning after breakfast helps fill me up. (although the burps that ensue are none too pleasant)
4.  For me, eating dinner later, like 6:30 or 7, helps me to not snack later in the evening because I'm still full from dinner.  (I know this one might be a no-no to some, but it works for me)

I hope to keep this up!  Can't wait to read everyone else's diet adventures.  Happy Friday!
What my dog, Lucy, thinks of this whole dieting business

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why, Why, Why?

Things I don't understand:

Why does the weekend go by so fast and why is my laundry never folded come Sunday night?  I'm gong to spend the next 3 mornings digging through laundry baskets for socks and underwear. (Yes, I realize I could be folding it right now instead of blogging but that's beside the point.)

Why does my new iphone think I'm a homophobic pot smoker having an affair?  I went to text my son back, "Ok hon," and the supposedly intuitive auto correction feature changed it to "Ok homo."  Then whenever I type "hey," it changes it to "hash," and when I type "hon" to my husband, it comes out "Jon."

Why can't I think of witty things to tweet about?  There were only three times this week that I thought of something funny to say in reply to someone's tweet and all three times it was Cheeseboy's tweets.

I think he thinks I'm hitting on him because the last tweet from me was, "Maybe it means you want to be spanked," in reply to his, (and I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember it exactly) "What does that say about me that all the tweets Twitter recommends I follow are from mommy bloggers and adult comics?"

Why are these silly, petty questions the best I can come up with to blog about tonight?

I should go fold my laundry.

Or play Sally's Spa on my iphone.

Hope y'all have a Happy Valentine's Day!

P.S.  Why did I hit "Publish Post" on this???


Monday, February 7, 2011

Slap a Stickie on it Tuesday!

Only Parent Chronicles

It's Post-It note Tuesday!  My favorite post of the week.  Take your rant and slap it on a stickie for all the world to see.  Make your own post-its here then link up here and post away!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fat to Fit and Little Bits



Yah me!  I'm happy for small victories.  I came home on my lunch hour, and actually used my elliptical for 10 minutes this week.  Goal #2 from last week - check.

And I've been limiting my cocktails to only a few days a week and suffering drinking Crystal Light more instead.  Goal #1 from last week - check.  

I know - I'm out of order, but I'm in a hurry - American Idol is on tonight.

I just signed up for Spark People, a free online health and fitness website that has an app for my phone so I can track calories and goals.  Boobies, Babies, and a Blog  turned me on to it - thank you girl!  I haven't had time to do to much with it yet, but it's a start.  Goal # 3 from last week - check.

So I feel pretty ok since I started some Skinny habits.  The challenge is keeping them up.

Now I suppose I should weigh myself.  I've been putting it off because I'm scared.  I know I gained since last Summer and I could just beat myself up because if I had stuck to my goals, I'd be thinner now.

Ok, hold on, I'm going to go do it...

I'm back.  Dammit.  177.  So much for goal #1 - I need me some wine.

No, no, no, no, no.  I won't.  It's the little bits of self-control that add up to losses so I need to pull up my big girl panties and watch American Idol with some Crystal Light.  And drink to self-control.
