Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stick Em Up!


The Preppy Strawberry said...

Hi! I'm a new follower just stopping by for Post It Note Tuesday! You can visit me at http://thingamajigetc.blogspot.com/

aladdinsane12 said...

i love that he might use a duct tape and rubber bands. does he think he's macgyver?? and yes, getting rid of empty containers is common practice...maybe you need to start back at square 1 with those gals :)

Unknown said...

Bwahahaha. I just love the "Honey Do" list, remind me aain to rip that one off ;)

So tell me... did the post its work? Is the toilet fixed?

Susie said...

I AM so cracking up nodding right along with you!

At least you've always got duct tape...

Fred J said...

D U L Y N O T E D ! !


P.S. NO, the toilet is NOT fixed. In fact it was quite unhappy about my efforts, which were construed as an invasion of its privacy, and fought back. So there I am in my pajamas at bedtime with (clean) water gushing in my face while Princess Blogsalot cozied up to a nice warm book! And WHY would I attempt this dubious repair just before bedtime? Because... I read... her stupid... pink... post-it... blog!

Tree said...

LOL Tell the hubby, Mr. Fred, that I did NOT post lentil sloppy joes!! lmao That recipe belongs to another blogger that linked up for my Tasty Tuesday.....EWWW...lentils. LOL

Tracie said...

Duct tape and rubber bands, eh? I learned my lesson years ago and call the repairman as soon as anything breaks. It's cheaper than a divorce.

Tree said...

I'm back.....to give you an award!! :)

Award for You

Flabby McGee said...

awesome, beautifully awesome!! I have that honey do list too...and it does keep growing everytime he's doesn't do. :) Great stuff!!